- U.S. Senate (Duckworth seat)
- U.S. House (all 17 districts)
- Governor
- Lieutenant Governor
- Secretary of State
- Attorney General
- Treasurer
- Comptroller
- General Assembly – Senate (Not sure how many out of 59 districts are up considering redistricting)
- General Assembly – House (all 118 districts)
- County Clerk
- County Treasurer
- County Sheriff
- County Assessor (wherever applicable)
- Board of Review Boards (wherever elected, including Cook County)
- Regional Superintendents of Schools
- County Commissioners (e.g. Cook County)
- County Board Members
- Sanitary District Commissioners/Trustees (wherever applicable)
Only applicable to Cook, DeWitt, Kankakee, McHenry, McLean, Peoria, and Tazewell counties
- Township committeepersons (Cook County)
- Precinct committeepersons (all seven counties)